Its been such a long time since I posted. It has been a rough summer for me,being in the hospital four times since the middle of June. I keep getting congestive heart failure since my heart attack two years ago,which damaged my heart so I never know when it will hit...but it will not stop me from doing what I love,which is stitch and create..
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I just finished stitching this pretty..Its done on 32 count linen,with dinky dyes silk in Sapphire.It is edged with hand dyed vintage rick rack,and has a vintage calico
fabric back.The picture does it no justice..It is listed in my
Stitchery Shoppe
A Primitive stitchery I finished by Blue Attic ©

Just bought a great new fall pattern from Brenda Gervais..can't wait to start it..
And last...a few pics of roses my Sister brought me in hospital
and a pic of my fuchsia from my yard
Being a child from a Family of love of flowers
shows in all I do. My gardens bring me so much joy and peace..
So I will be spending lots of time sitting out there and healing my body and soul
Smiles N Blessings